Chronic Diseases in the Workplace: Best Practices and Tips for HR

Chronic Diseases in the Workplace: Best Practices and Tips for HR
April 3, 2025
10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. EST
$500 per computer/phone connection
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HR Learning Center LLC is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for the SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP®. Our webinars are valid for PDCs for the SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP®. For more information about certification or recertification, please visit


There is no doubt that medical issues and requests for leave of absence are a common nightmare for HR. Moreover, recent statistics suggest that chronic diseases are some of the most debilitating illnesses that workers have. Yet many employees are able to continue working while receiving treatment. According to the EEOC, more than one million Americans are diagnosed with some form of cancer each year and aapproximately 40 percent of them are working-age adults in addition to numerous other chronic diseases. In addition, nearly 10 million Americans have a history of some sort of chronic disease. However, many managers are unsure what they are able to legally do and not do when an employee has a chronic disease. Moreover, most managers dont even know what laws apply.

So what laws do you as a manager need to know about and how can you ensure that you are in compliance with these laws? This webinar will provide the answer to these and many more questions regarding how to avoid the legal pitfalls that chronic diseases in the workplace can create under the Americans with Disabilities Law, FMLA and GINA, the Genetic Information Nondisclosure Act.

Some of the many tips and strategies you will learn in this live or recorded webinar:

  • How to determine if a chronic disease is a disability under the ADA
  • Are chronic diseases also protected by state disability discrimination laws
  • How to recognize an employees request for a reasonable accommodation under the ADA
  • When does an employer have to engage in the interactive process
  • What are some of the types of reasonable accommodations when an employee has a chronic disease
  • Do chronic diseases constitute a serious health condition under the FMLA
  • What rights do employees with chronic diseases have under the FMLA
  • Tips on avoiding legal pitfalls of dealing with chronic diseases in the workplace
  • What is genetic information under GINA
  • What are your obligations when you become aware an employee has genetic testing showing they may develop a chronic disease
  • Discussion of recent cases under ADA, FMLA and GINA regarding discrimination based on employee having a chronic disease
  • HR Professionals
  • In-House Counsel
  • Managers
  • Business Owners

HR Learning Centers 60 minute on-line employment law training webinar includes the following:

  • Live on-line training by an experienced employment attorney
  • Power point presentation
  • Hand Outs
  • Certificate of Attendance Forms
  • Question and Answer Session