Sexual and Unlawful Harassment Prevention for Employees

Sexual and Unlawful Harassment Prevention for Employees
June 23, 2025
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm EST
$500 per attendee per computer terminal
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HR Learning Center LLC is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for the SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP®. Our webinars are valid for PDCs for the SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP®. For more information about certification or recertification, please visit


The #MeToo movement has made clear to HR that employees must receive sexual and unlawful harassment training.  This live webinar is essential for employers who want to ensure compliance with the employment discrimination laws and ensure that their workplaces remain harassment free.  This webinar will provide your employees with a better understanding of what harassment is and how to prevent it in the workplace.  It will explain in-depth the different types of harassment that can occur in the workplace including quid pro quo harassment and hostile work environment harassment.  This sexual and unlawful harassment training will provide case scenarios for employees to work through so that they can have a better understanding of their responsibilities under the law and under your sexual harassment policy.  

What Employees Will Learn in this One-Hour Interactive Live On-Line Webinar:

  • How to differentiate between Quid Pro Quo and Hostile Work Environment Harassment
  • Conduct that Employees Often Engage in that Can Create a Hostile Work Environment in your Workplace
  • Strategies for How Employees Can Avoid Creating a Hostile Work Environment
  • Methods to Protect themselves from Quid Pro Quo Harassment
  • An Understanding that Hostile Work Environment Can Be Based on Protected Classes Other than Sex such as Race and Religion
  • Better Understand that Employees Who Complain of Harassment are Protected from Retaliation 
  • A Better Understanding of What the Employer's Anti-Harassment Policy Prohibits
  • Protected Classes Under State and Federal Law

HR Learning Center's one hour on-line Anti-Harassment/EEO training seminar includes the following:

  • Live on-line training by an experienced employment attorney
  • Power point presentation
  • Hand Outs
  • Certificate of Attendance Forms
  • Question and Answer Session