Labor Relations Training Webinar

Labor Relations Training Webinar
April 23, 2025
10:00a.m.-11:30 a.m. EST
$500 per attendee per computer terminal
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HR Learning Center LLC is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for the SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP®. Our webinars are valid for PDCs for the SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP®. For more information about certification or recertification, please visit


Labor Relations Training Webinar

One of the most difficult things for managers to do is to manage effectively in a represented environment. This is all the more true when your managers, who were used to managing in a non-represented environment, all of a sudden have to deal with labor relations issues for the first time. We will assist your managers in dealing effectively with the labor relations process and will provide an in-depth review of your current collective bargaining agreement in terms managers can understand with a comprehensive Labor Relations Training Webinar.

 This Labor Relations Training Webinar will cover concepts such as progressive discipline, effective handling of sick leave and tardiness abuse, the grievance procedure and how to ensure successful arbitrations of your grievance issues. Most importantly, we will teach your managers that they can and should still effectively manage their employees despite the limitations placed on them by the union contract. All this and more in this interesting how to Labor Relations Training Webinar on effectively managing all of your employees in a represented environment. This Labor Relations Training Webinar can be customized to include your actual collective bargaining agreement and an explanation of the important provisions in such agreement. If you would like us to customize this Labor Relations Training Webinar to include your collective bargaining agreement, we will then schedule a private webinar solely for your management employees.

Some of the many tips you will learn by attending this Labor Relations Training Webinar:

  • Effective Management in a Represented Environment
  • Overview of Collective Bargaining Agreements
  • Effective Strategies for Engaging in Progressive Discipline
  • Methods to Communicate with Represented Employees
  • Managing Conflicts in the Workplace
  • Managing Work and Family Leave Concerns
  • Managing Attendance and Tardiness Issues
  • Overview of Arbitrations and Grievance Hearings

This Labor Relations Training Webinar includes the following:

  • Live on-line webinar presented by an experienced management-side labor relations attorney
  • Power Point Presentation
  • Hand Outs
  • Quiz
  • Certificate of Attendance Forms
  • Question and Answer Session


  • In-House Counsel
  • Labor Relations Professionals
  • Line Managers
  • HR Professionals
  • Attorneys
  • General Managers
  • Business Owners