NLRB and Social Media: How to Avoid Violation of the NLRA Even in Non-Union Workplaces

NLRB and Social Media: How to Avoid Violation of the NLRA Even in Non-Union Workplaces
June 4, 2025
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm EST
$500 per computer/phone connection
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Have you updated your social media policy to address NLRB's new measures to protect employees' online posts?

NLRB and Social Media Policy

The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) recently decided that disciplining employees for social media posts that constitute "protected concerted activity" violates the National Labor Relations Act. This is true even in non-unionized workplaces. The NLRB has also determined many clauses that are standard in most employer's social media policies violate the National Labor Relations Act. How can you protect your organization? Attend this informative HR Webinar to learn what you should and should not include in your social media policy. Which type of prohibitions can land your organization in hot water with the NLRB? This webinar will provide an in-depth review of exactly what the NLRB considers "protected concerted activity" and provide a comprehensive review of the cases before the NLRB, including a crucial review the NLRB's General Counsel memo outlining the NLRB's position on social media policies. This HR Webinar will also provide tips on best practices in drafting (or redrafting) your social media policy to avoid NLRB allegations your policy violates the National Labor Relations Act.

Social Media Workplace Policy HR Webinar

What You Will Learn During This HR Webinar:

  • That the NLRB has Jurisdiction in all workplaces not just unionized workplaces.
  • The NLRB's definition of "Protected Concerted Activity."
  • When employees online posts constitute "Protected Concerted Activity" and when it doesn't.
  • NLRB's actions against employers which have disciplined employees for online comments and posts.
  • The difference between employees' "whining online" vs. posting covered as "protected concerted activity."
  • Best Practices for drafting your social media policy so it does not violate the NLRA
  • What the NLRB does not want to see in your social media policy.
  • When you can safely discipline employees for social media posts, and when you'll risk NLRB charges


  • HR Learning Center's 60 minute on-line employment law training HR Webinar includes the following:
  • Live on-line training by an experienced employment attorney
  • Power point presentation
  • Hand Outs
  • Certificate of Attendance Forms
  • Question and Answer Session